Here are updates from Charlotte and Sophie’s doctor appointment last week:

The doctor confirmed through a series of tests that Sophie is physically regressing; she still cannot sit up, and she has lost the ability to roll over. We are sad to see her starting to lose skills even before she had developed them completely, but we know God has a better plan for her. We trust Sophie is in His care.

Charlotte’s constipation might be from her colon malfunctioning, but the doctors don’t think she needs a g-tube yet. That’s still a big praise! Her muscle tone is low, and her formula tends to not flow consistently through her digestive system making the colon muscles forget how to work properly. When the formula goes through her digestive system and finally arrives at the colon, sometimes the colon takes a while to remember its function of pushing waste through. When the colon finally starts pushing, it causes muscle cramping and lots of pain. The doctors have recommended a few natural ways to remedy this issue, and we are hopeful it will solve her constipation and colon problem for now.

The doctors are quite pleased with Charlotte’s weight gain and growth. She is now in the 57% percentile for weight! This is a pretty big achievement for her! We have recently switched over to new bottles and have seen a great improvement in her feedings. She can meet—and sometimes exceed—all her daily caloric needs! We are thankful she’s gaining weight because the doctors say if they see her continuing to climb the weight charts, they won’t put a g-tube in her.

Another big praise is that Charlotte made it through the long round-trip car ride to the hospital without getting sick! Thank you so much for your prayers! God answered them as Charlotte slept most of the way there and then was most pleasant on the ride home. Big trips like this are physically taxing on her, and it takes her a while to adjust back into her normal schedule.

Overall, last week’s meeting was informative. We received some disappointing news about Sophie and some good news about Charlotte. We thank God for answering prayer, and we still entrust our unanswered requests to Him. We know God is still in control, and He has a special plan in all of this. Even in the hard moments, we still take time to stop and praise Him because He is always, only good.