In 2 Kings 4 God shares a story from the prophet Elisha: the widow’s oil. The widow had only one small flask of oil left, and Elisha told her to bring as many jars as she could find so he could fill them all with her remaining oil. The miracle demonstrated in this narrative was that the oil kept flowing until the last jar was completely full. When there were no more jars to be found, God stopped the oil. God showed His great faithfulness through a simple miracle and a simple flask of oil.

Sophie has several medications for her health issues. Her Clobazam is probably the most important treating both her epileptic seizures and her muscle movement disorder. Without it, she can have seizures, and her muscles would constantly contract and release causing painful cramping. Her Clobazam ran out this past Sunday night, and we couldn’t pick up her refill from the pharmacy until Monday evening. She was going to go all day with no medication.

While I was administering the last dose from the bottle, I asked God to make her medication last like the widow’s oil. Sophie ended up sleeping almost all morning the next day; I assumed it was God’s way of answering my request by having her skip her morning dose by sleeping. Unfortunately, by late afternoon Sophie became inconsolable, crying and writhing in pain. I picked up the bottle of medicine knowing full well it was empty. Praying, I pulled the syringe to suction out anything I could get, and to my utter amazement the syringe pulled the full dose! Not only was it the full dose but it was even more than I needed for that dose! I shared this joyful news with David that night and we praised God together.

Then David informed me that he had given Sophie a *full* dose the same morning.

Though the medication bottle was totally empty the night before, Sophie still received her morning AND afternoon doses and there was still surplus. But that night, when David went to give Sophie her night-time dose, the bottle was completely empty. But we had the refill by this time. Just like the widow’s oil, the bottle didn’t run out until God deemed it necessary.

Sometimes we feel like we need big ostentatious miracles to show how faithful God is, but in our own error, we end up missing the little everyday miracles He already has given us. God cared about the two little doses of medicine that Sophie needed. God doesn’t need to prove His steadfastness through show-stopping phenomenon; He provides simple quiet miracles to gently remind us of His faithfulness. God is faithful in the big things; God is faithful in the small things. He is always good.

Great is Thy faithfulness,
Morning by morning new mercies I see.
All I have needed Thy hand hast provided;
Great is Thy faithfulness,
Lord unto me.

-Thomas O. Chisholm