So many are praying faithfully for our little family and we are truly grateful for each and everyone of you. Here you will find specific prayer requests for little Charlotte, Sophie, and the rest of our family. We will try to update them as needed so you all may know how the girls are doing.
- For God to protect her from any illness. Her immune system is weakened and compromised by her disease and it will take weeks for her to heal from any virus.
- For her digestion system to keep working regularly.
- For God to help her keep her oral sucking skills. She able to take her formula from a baby bottle now and self-sooth with a pacifier at night.
- For her seizures to be few and her seizure medication prevent/protect her from having frequent episodes
- For the muscle tightness in her legs and feet to relax
- For God to protect her from any illness; the immune system is weakened and compromised by her disease and it takes weeks to heal from any virus.
- For her to be able to continue rolling over and enjoy tummy time
- For her medications to continue to help her movement disorder
- For her to sleep more soundly through the night
- For her to gain more weight through her bottle feedings
- For her to help her keep her oral sucking skills. She is able to take her formula from a baby bottle now and self-sooth with a pacifier at night.
- For her eyesight to remain intact. With Batten disease, normally eyesight will start deteriorating around 15 months.
- For Sophie’s neurological pain to decrease through her new medication
- For relief from discomfort caused by constipation
Our family:
- For our boys to be saved through this circumstance with our girls
- For God to bless our ministry and use it to reach others with encouragement or salvation
- For strength and endurance to continue caring for the girls
- For God to provide a bigger car due to the girls’ medical equipment and our growing family
- For God’s leading on when He wants the girls to have g-tube surgery
- Charlotte’s medications have helped decrease her saliva and she can now sleep without choking
- Sophie’s medication has assisted in calming her muscle movement
- Insurance has approved a new medical car seat for Charlotte so she may travel more comfortably in the car now
- Sophie is starting to sleep longer stretches during the night
- Our newest family member, Elsie, has arrived safely and is doing well. We thank God she is heathy and does NOT have Batten Disease